
Jack Chaplin

Hello! I am Jack, a recent graduate of the CodeClan E65 cohort. With a background in Geology and hospitality management, I have developed a wide array of skills in areas such as analytical problem-solving, being part of and leading a team, planning, risk assessment and on-the-fly crisis management. I decided to retrain in software development due to being a lifelong tech enthusiast who always wanted to be a programmer, and while the course was challenging, I quickly learnt that this was something I really love doing and pushed me forward to always give my best. Throughout the course I learnt a great deal about developing software both solo and in a team, managing workflow, version control, and using methods such as TDD to ensure code correctness. We have also been instructed in the use of workflow principles such as AGILE. I am currently developing and expanding upon my final project, the solo development of a multiplayer Battleship game playable between two computers. The game uses WebSocket, a PostgreSQL database, Java with Spring Boot, and TypeScript with React. I have recently added the ability to play against a computer opponent and I am in the process of final testing before deploying the first online version of the project. This project was an amazing experience in bringing all the skills I had learned together while also learning new ones. The CodeClan journey has ignited a fire in me to keep learning and developing as a developer, and I am keen to continue my tech journey in a role that can utilize, develop and grow my skills.
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