
Georgios Tegos


I am George Tegos, a junior software developer from Greece. I moved to Edinburgh one year ago, as an immigrant of love, to be with my wife. I am a dedicated person, committed to pursuing my dreams and doing everything I can to achieve them. I am very passionate about software development and, following completion of CodeClan’s (Codebase) Professional Software Development course, I am currently looking for an opportunity to put my passion into practice.

During my time at CodeClan, I had the opportunity to explore and utilise various methodologies such as Test-Driven Development and Agile, as well as programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript and TypeScript. Even though I hadn't previously encountered many of these technologies, I was able to quickly grasp complex knowledge beyond the fundamentals, showcasing my ability to swiftly acquire new skills and tackle complex challenges.

Furthermore, my experience of being part of diverse teams (both in educational and professional settings) has honed my collaboration skills. I am very comfortable working independently, but I also really enjoy working as part of a team being able to cooperate, support each other and share knowledge. I understand the importance of effective communication in achieving common goals, and I am committed to fostering a cooperative and productive work environment where everyone feels comfortable and able to contribute their part.

Moreover, I have a passion for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code which further fuels my dedication to enhancing the quality of projects. I believe in creating solutions that benefit both end-users and fellow developers, contributing to the overall success of the team and the company.

All the above-mentioned are skills I have always tried to put into practice more recently while co-creating a newly developed mobile app called ‘Which Bin’. This app started as my team’s capstone project but developed into something bigger because it solves a real life daily problem; finding and putting reminders for your next bin collection. Our app is now in testing phase, but already available to download (

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