
Euan Wilson


I'm Euan, and I'm making a move back into tech after partially completing a Computing(BSc) course before covid. I signed up for the Professional Software Development course at CodeClan to refresh my skill on what I had learntduring my study at university, and to learn some basics of moder web development as well. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the course, I truly believe I have made the right coice coming back and would love to continue to learn and develop my skillset in the world of IT. From being out of practice in C++ and C# at the start of the course, to what I have accheived at the end (# full stack projects, and a game!) it has been an amazing journey. I'm open to any kind of development or development adjacent role, as I liked the taster we recieved in testing, and I find all things related to technology to be very interesting (software wise, and hardware).

During my time away from coding, I worked in a fast paced customer facing role at a trampoline park, where I developd my communication skills from being a shy and quiet teenager into the (personal bias incoming) great communicator I am today. It really helped me open up to working better within a team, and letting my voice be heard when I believe that my ideas will help. And as much as I liked the environment of such a social workplace, the actual day-to-day job was not overly mentally stimulating. That is what led me to sign up for the course, as having to use my problem solving skills and actively consider different solutions makes for a much more engaging prospect.

My CV and Github/LinkedIn are listed here as well, so if you are looking for someone with a drive to learn and who wants to put their skills to good use, feel free to contact me!

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